Friday, September 3, 2010


Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made.

This summer I enjoyed three incredible opportunities to spend time hiking in some of the most stunning places in America.  I visited the Grand Canyon, a slot canyon in Zion National Forest, and spent seven days hiking through the High Sierras of Northern California.  Whenever I go to these beautiful places, I inevitably engage in conversations with others about God.  It seems there is something about creation’s majesty that points humanity towards the supernatural.  After these exchanges, I typically dwell on Romans 1:20, secretly enjoying the fact that God’s word is true. 
The conversations I have with others are filled with allusions to God’s attributes: His Greatness, His Beauty, His Expansiveness, etc.  However, this particular summer one attribute of God, which I witnessed from His work, plagued my thoughts: His Sovereignty.  This might seem odd at first, but allow me to explain.  During these hikes I often encountered very dangerous elements.  Some of the edges of the Grand Canyon were so steep, one small misstep would unavoidably end my life.  Furthermore, throughout the slot canyon I had to climb down steep cliffs and even use ropes at times to avoid injuries.  Just two weeks prior to my Sierra trip, a couple was unexplainably mauled to death by a bear despite their precautions to remove all of their scented items (food, deodorant, etc). 
Throughout my long hikes, I would consider these perils, and would thank God for His Sovereignty knowing that my life and my safety lay in His hands.  Consequently, hiking was a wonderful time of worship; however, after meditating more on this attribute of God I began to realize the strange dichotomy in my life.  When it comes to trusting God to provide for me in the wild and keep me safe, I am unwavering; yet, sadly, when it comes to God to provide for me during the school year in the pressing needs of life, I waver like a reed in the wind.
How sad when I think that I would trust God to protect me on a cliff, but I struggle to trust God to provide me with enough money for my monthly budget.  Yet, somehow I think I’m not alone in this struggle.  In moments of strength we find the faith to trust God to provide us with safe travel to and from work, but in the next moment we manipulate another because we do not trust God to provide us with love.  One moment we trust God will provide us with clarity of thought when making a decision, but in the next moment we falter in patience when we fail to trust God will bring us a spouse.  One moment we trust God will give us our daily bread, but in the next we doubt he will forgive us our sins. 
My hope is that after reading this blog, you will realize your own tendency for double-mindedness.  Then, I hope you will ask God to strengthen you to trust his Sovereignty in all the moments of your day.  If you can believe God is completely in control of one area of your life, then you can believe He’s in control of them all.

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