Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cutting Down My Asherah Poles...

Bear with me…this is going to be a long post.
For any of you that grew up in the culture of sports and vividly remember the sometimes subtle and mostly overt messages of pride that were instilled in you at an early age, you might appreciate my next comment. I love the song “I Want To Leave A Legacy,” by Nichole Nordeman. Why you ask? Well, it was the closest thing to an excuse that I had to try to make a name for myself when I was in High School. But, despite the fact that I can see now that being president of various clubs and captain of various teams does not constitute a legacy, I still love that song because of the honesty of some of the lyrics…
I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world

It’s true, we do want an “Atta boy” at times, or even all the time. But, in the end of that wrestle that occurs between our greatest fleshly desires and our deepest yearnings for the Lord, we ultimately come to the conclusion that God’s treasures are greater and more worthy of our pursuits. So, then we should ask ourselves what is a legacy worth pursuing?
As always, we must defer to the Bible. And, while I used to think King David had it on lock because of that beautiful phrase, “A Man after God’s own heart” it’s hard to remember David without conjuring up thoughts of Bathsheba. In fact, most of our biblical heroes are wrought with deceit, adultery, doubt, anger, drunkenness, etc. While, that fact could lead this post in the direction of God’s grace and ability to use sinners…I’m still wanting to focus on a legacy worth pursuing. Thus, I want to draw your attention to 2 Kings 22-23. As Chapter 21 is coming to an end we find that the nation of Israel has already been split, and Judah is about to inherit a new king after the Death of Amon. Now, Amon was an evil dude, as was the king before him (Manasseh) and the kings before him, etc. These men were notorious for their idol worship to Baal, and a big part of that idolatry was to erect Asherah poles. These poles (or trees) were next to pagan religious sites and were the places where idolatrous sacrifices were made. You can imagine the anger that God had for these places (or maybe we can’t). Anyway, it’s against this backdrop that Chapter 22 begins with a new king, King Josiah. KJ was only 8 years old when he became King of Judah, but even then he began to build his legacy. What did he do, you ask?

Dude cleaned house.

During KJ’s reign a book of the Law was found in the temple, and after having heard the message he immediately began to change the way things were done in Judah. He tore down the high places, cut down the Asherah poles, slaughtered the priests/priestesses (prostitutes) of the pagan gods, and reinstated the Passover. In Verse 23:25 it says, “And before him there was no king like him who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; nor did any like him arise after him.” That’s a legacy worth pursuing.
So, in an effort to clean house, and to always strive to be a woman who practices what she preaches, I am just finishing a season of tearing down my Asherah poles. As some of your remember I recently posted on the idols that exist in our culture (The Biggest Idol). That post was mostly directed towards myself, so afterwards I began a 20-day juice/water only fast as well as a 25 day facebook and television fast. First, let me be clear, I am not telling you this for my glory, only so that I can bring it to Him.
But, I wanted to write this message to share a bit of what I learned during that time.
1) We, excuse me, I had fallen for the lie that I need more than I really do. I often say that God is enough with my mouth, but with that same mouth I fill it with the comfort of food and the lie that I need much to be satisfied. But, after not eating for almost three weeks it is clear that God is enough. He always has been, and the freedom from food and worldly comforts only drove me further into his loving embrace. Food is good, but God is so much better.
2) Facebook is a lie. It tells me I’m valuable and popular and needed. But, God has told me I’m beautiful and redeemed and eternally secure. Facebook is cheap. God is priceless.
3) TV is a thief. And, I voluntarily let it rob me of the time that is so much better spent in the riches of God’s word. The Office is funny, the Word is living and active.
4) Cutting down the Asherah poles is a lifelong pursuit. I was made to worship, and I am so thankful for this time to align my highest praise with our loving Father. But, I’m not so ignorant to think that I’ve beaten this ability to prostitute myself. So, with the grace of God and the accountability of you good people, I’ll keep sharpening my ax so that I can continue to cut down the poles I will foolishly erect in the future.
My final words on the subject: if you find yourself standing in the shadows of the poles you’ve created, know that God delights in helping his children clean house.
1Co 10:14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.


Sean said...

rockin' thoughts

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Nika Adidas Spaulding said...

Thanks for the feedback. Please feel free to give more advice and insight as, I hope, you'll continue to read. I welcome any criticism that will help me to become a better writer.