Sunday, January 9, 2011

Next Stop: Heaven

Hey Friends,

Just some thoughts from a recent spiritual retreat I took.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder of our true and most important destination as Christians...Heaven. I have been struggling as a single woman focusing all my effort and hope on finding Mr. Right. Thank you for helping me see that it is not up to me and that this should not be my main concern or desire. You have truly helped uplift my spirit and enabled me to see more clearly where my heart, soul, and mind should be. Refocusing and reevaluating- Thanks again!

Nicki said...

Awesome, Nika. I need to meditate on this further, but it is actually a confirmation of something God spoke to me (yes - I said it, and I believe it to be true - might be the first time?) this morning on my run. I have been so wrapped up in desiring children and grieving my losses, that not only am I not leaning into the ultimate destination God has for me, but also I am missing some of the sweetness of this moment. I have a 2 year-old (who happened to say, "Mama pretty" this morning for the first time). I have a husband who loves me. I have a good job wherein I can influence people! I have SO MANY BLESSINGS! Yet, it is so easy to get caught up in those "blessings" we don't yet, and may never have. God has so much more for us - both ahead sometime in our future, AND right here and now in the present. Thanks for your words & for this important reminder.

Anonymous said...

God is so good. It is a blessing He reveals these things to you and equips you to equip us. I hope this is a good, cleansing reminder for you as it is for me. God bless!